We all love to treat our pets, whether it’s with a frothy puppacino or even a new toy this Christmas season. We have to work out ways we can live more thoughtfully and deliberately to create a better world for the future. Next time you dive in your bag for your wallet, have a think about the environmental impact of what you are about to buy, could it be substituted for something else more sustainably made or sourced, be bought second hand, be home made, or even not purchased at all?!
I want to treat my pet to something new…
Many toys, beds, leads, outfits and plastic will end up on landfill. We all know that globally there is an issue with plastic pollution. A great swap this Christmas time would be to consider purchasing sustainable and responsibly produced products for your pets (and human family members), or buying locally. As mentioned above, how about not even making that purchase in the first place and give them something enriching and homemade. Who doesn’t love receiving a thoughtful, homemade gift?! This Christmas at Mayne Vets, we are spreading some sustainable Christmas joy. Secret Santa gifts are to be either homemade, second hand or re-useable.
Here are some ideas on some homemade and simple presents for your furry friend this festive season. How about getting crafty and making a snuffle mat for your dog or a wand toy for you cat! Or even getting your GBBO chef hat on and baking your pawesome pet some biscuits!
Enrichment doesn’t have to be complicated, your pet will appreciate something as simple as a scatter fee or treats hidden in a cardboard box with scrunched up paper. Have a look online there is so much out there, we will also share some ideas with you on our Facebook page over December.
Even these simple swaps will have a positive impact on the planet:
- biodegradable cat litter (clay based litter containing sodium bentonite are often mined through a destructive process, do not decompose and can contain chemicals)
- biodegradable poo bags
- shampoo bars rather than bottles
Pet food and packaging:
Some traditional pet food comes in tins, which we have been able to recycle for a number of years through our local councils. There are some great initiatives which have been set up for previously non-recycled pet food packaging. Many Pets at Home stores have the facilities to recycle your wet food sachets and dry food bags. If not, visit the Terracycle website to find a collection point local to you.
Waste is tangible and visible and it’s a lot easier to understand when we are talking about the impact on the environmental. However, sustainability is more than just the packaging and recycling of the pet food we choose. The ingredients used and the transportation of pet food actually has a greater impact on the environment, than the materials used in its packaging. Stay turned for our blog post on ‘Sustainable Pet Ownership – pet food and it’s carbon footprint’ in the new year!
We hope you’ve been enjoying out ‘Pet Owner Sustainability’ series, stay tuned for more insightful, educational and thought provoking information soon. We will you all a very merry Christmas.
Image 1: https://unsplash.com/photos/white-and-brown-cat-on-red-and-white-floral-textile-FDjHs2Uv8MQ