We all know and love Julie therefore we have decided to tell you a bit more about her.
Julie was born and raised in Colchester after her parents moved away from London hoping to find a quieter place to raise their family. One of her family friends was a veterinary surgeon and Julie used to go and see the practice for a couple of weeks every year, where she developed her passion for animals.
Before working here she worked in a local garden centre where she was responsible for various things. Although she enjoyed her job there it still wasn’t as fulfilling as she wished and that’s when she heard a local veterinary practice was looking for an extra hand.
In 1990 she applied for a job at this practice through the youth training scheme, this training was done over a period of two years where she learned a bit of everything. From animal care to client care Julie has always been an example to everyone.
She is known and loved by everyone and does not surprise us that she has made some good friends through this practice.
Back then the way of working was a bit different especially due to the fact that referral centres weren’t available as they are nowadays and most procedures were done at first opinion practices. As veterinary medicine evolved, so did the veterinary clinic! One of the advances Julie was happiest with was the digital X-Ray developer, as she does not miss being shut in a dark room processing the old fashion way! But its that constant evolution of the veterinary industry and the Mayne Veterinary Clinic that has maintained Julie’s love of working in the veterinary industry. From acupuncture to chemotherapy, the practice and it’s professionals make sure they keep up with the most recent and effective techniques and therapies, there’s always something new to learn. That and getting to work with her favourite dogs and cats all day long.
Throughout her life Julie has had several animals from stick insects to horses, at the moment she has two lovely dogs, Fern a 12 years old Border Collie and Rio a two and half years old, very energetic, Mini American Sheppard. Fern is a retired agility dog and Rio just started his agility career last year.
Fern was a very successful agility dog, going to competitions such as the International Agility Festival that takes place in Rockingham Castle. Due to her age Fern doesn’t train anymore but absolutely loves slower walks and resting time on the sofa.
Julie’s last pet was a lovely Labrador called Archie and he was the reason she started agility. Archie had all the silliness a Labrador can have and was in need of some training. The agility work really helped to give him fulfilling exercise and the chance to have some mental stimulation, he could still be silly at times, but also loved the bond and understanding that came with the training.
Agility has always been a big part of Julie’s life and after 27 years of training dogs for agility competitions she now owns her own agility school called Severalls Agility School and we couldn’t be more proud.
Throughout the years the practice has faced a few changes of ownership and in Julie’s opinion, it hasn’t changed how much she enjoys her job, quite the opposite. Nowadays with Charlotte and Keith Mayne on board, and the advancing of veterinary medicine, we can provide an extremely good service to all our clients. After all these years Julie has seen several clients go through different pets but it’s lovely to see them coming back to us with their new animals.
Julie believes that the fact that she works in an independent veterinary practice allows her to provide personal care to all our clients; allows her to get to know them, and for them to know her. She loves working in such a friendly environment where people not only care about the patients but they also care about their owners.
She is such a valuable member to this working family, always looking after everyone and keeping us up to date and generally being a fountain of knowledge and experience.
Here at the Mayne Veterinary Clinic, we all love Julie and we are certain hope you do too.